Aprende a manejarte en un mundo sin fronteras
Los convenios de colaboración y programas de intercambio con universidades de otros países acercan a nuestros alumnos al conocimiento de otras culturas, lenguas y formas de pensar, con la oportunidad añadida de realizar prácticas en cualquiera de los países que formen parte de los acuerdos.
El Programa de Aprendizaje Permanente ERASMUS+ ofrece la oportunidad de estudiar y realizar prácticas en empresas de prácticamente toda Europa. Los estudiantes de Erasmus están exentos del pago de tasas académicas en el lugar de destino, ya que las abonan en su universidad de origen. Consulte condiciones.
Dentro de este programa, el RCU Escorial-María Cristina colabora con las siguientes universidades:
- Alemania
Fachhochschule Münster - Bélgica
Université de Mons-Hainaut - Eslovenia
Univerza Ljubljani - Francia
Ciefa Rhone-Alpes - Lyon - Francia
European Business School - Paris - Francia
Institut International du Commerce et du Développement - Paris - Francia
Université Paris-Saclay - Paris - Francia
Ecole de Commerce Européenne - Groupe INSEEC:
Ecole de Commerce Europeenne (ECE) de Bordeaux
Ecole de Commerce Europeenne (ECE) de Lyon
- Hungría
Milton Friedman Egyetem - Budapest - Letonia
Latvijas Universitáte - Riga - Polonia
Wyzsza Szkoła Bankowa We Wroclawiu - Holanda
De Haagse Hogeschool – La Haya - Francia
Institut de Gestion Sociale - Paris - Francia
Université Côte d’Azur - Niza - Francia
Université de Lille - Lille
Otros acuerdos internacionales
El Real Centro Universitario Escorial-Mª Cristina ofrece otros programas propios de intercambio internacionales. Como estudiante de Quiropráctica de nuestro Centro, puedes realizar una estancia de un curso completo o de un semestre en alguna de las siguientes universidades:
- México
Universidad Estatal del Valle de Ecatepec (UNEVE) - México
Universidad Estatal del Valle de Toluca (UNEVT) - Brasil
Universidade Anhembi-Morumbi (UAM) - Brasil
Universidade Feevale - BoEEUU
Parker University
Además, al ser un centro adscrito, puedes participar en todas las convocatorias de la Universidad CEU San Pablo de Madrid.
Incoming international students
A non-profit institution, with history and prestige.
The RCU Escorial-Mª Cristina was founded by the Regent Queen María Cristina de Hasburgo y Lorena, in 1892, run by the Augustinian religious order since its foundation. It is an Upper Educational Center associated with the University CEU San Pablo.
We teach the official degree programs of Bachelor of Law and Bachelor in Business Administration, Master in Law and a private Degree in Chiropractic.
The Escorial-María Cristina Royal University Center is located in an extraordinary setting and in fabulous surroundings. The University Campus forms a part of the astonishing monumental architectronic complex of the Royal Monastry of El Escorial founded by King Phillip II in the 16th century. This all provides a particularly beneficial atmosphere for studying and interpersonal relationships.
The buildings are true gems of architecture, with completely modernised facilities: Student Residence, Library, sports area, lecture halls equipped with projection facilities, computing rooms, etc.
Overall training of individuals is the primary goal of the educational programme offered by the Escorial-María Cristina Royal University Center, through the development of their cognitive, physical, socio-cultural potential that takes them to the limits of their possible knowledge. We stimulate creativity and scientific research through academic education, the conveying of knowledge and culture.
The Center management oversees quality and educational excellence, in an ongoing and fluent dialogue between lecturers and students, far removed from sterile bureaucratic formal education.
The Lecturing Staff, largely drawn from the University CEU San Pablo of Madrid and the business world, is personally and professionally involved in the training and educational activities of their fields.
You are the focus of interest and the target of our full institutional academic work. For this reason, every student has a tutor / lecturer who guides and accompanies him in his professional and academic training.
Walk with me if you hold the same truths. Examine with me if you hold the same doubts. Where you recognise your mistake, come with me. Where you recognize mine, take me with you
Incoming international students
Welcome to our University Centre in the framework of Erasmus+ Program.